SecPod Community Forums Ask an Expert How to set a threshold alert for exceeded number of software license installed


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    • #5834

        How to set a threshold alert for exceeded number of software license installed. Example: If they have only 10 licensed Adobe Acrobat, but the Sanernow detected 11 or more installed Adobe. In this case they want to get alerted via email or Red Color in Dashboard.

      • #5838
        Community Manager

          To set a threshold:
          1) Navigate to the Asset Licenses tab on your top right of your AE Module
          2) Select the desired category (OS/Hardware/Applciations)
          3) Select “Edit” on the top right of your screen.
          4) Edit the desired license count corresponding to the desired Application/OS/Hardware
          5) Click save

          For Receiving Alerts:
          1) Navigate to the alerts widget on the left of your screen.
          2) Under the Asset Management tab, in the email section please fill in the desired email to which alerts would be sent
          3) Choose the type of alerts you would like to receive

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