SecPod Community Forums SanerScript Patch repository creation for Amazon Linux


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    • #6348
      Community Manager


        # Exit script on any error
        set -e

        # Update the system and install necessary packages
        sudo yum update -y
        sudo yum install -y httpd createrepo yum-utils

        # Start and enable Apache web server
        sudo systemctl start httpd
        sudo systemctl enable httpd

        # Create directory for the repository
        sudo mkdir -p ${REPO_DIR}

        # Sync the Amazon Linux 2 base and updates repositories to the local directory
        sudo reposync -p ${REPO_DIR} -r amzn2-core -r amzn2extra-docker

        # Create repository metadata
        sudo createrepo ${REPO_DIR}/amzn2-core
        sudo createrepo ${REPO_DIR}/amzn2extra-docker

        # Create the update script to update the repository metadata
        sudo bash -c “cat << ‘EOF’ > ${UPDATE_SCRIPT}
        # Sync the Amazon Linux 2 base and updates repositories
        sudo reposync -p ${REPO_DIR} -r amzn2-core -r amzn2extra-docker
        # Update the repository metadata
        sudo createrepo –update ${REPO_DIR}/amzn2-core
        sudo createrepo –update ${REPO_DIR}/amzn2extra-docker
        # Reload Apache to ensure changes are picked up
        sudo systemctl reload httpd

        # Make the update script executable
        sudo chmod +x ${UPDATE_SCRIPT}

        # Optionally, set up a cron job to update the repository metadata periodically
        CRON_JOB=”0 0 * * * ${UPDATE_SCRIPT}”
        ( sudo crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo “${CRON_JOB}” ) | sudo crontab –

        # Provide instructions for setting up EC2 instances to use the repository
        echo “Repository setup is complete.”
        echo “To configure your EC2 instances to use this repository, create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo with the following content:”
        echo “[custom-repo-core]”
        echo “name=Custom Repository Core”
        echo “baseurl=http://$(curl -s”
        echo “enabled=1”
        echo “gpgcheck=0”
        echo “[custom-repo-extra-docker]”
        echo “name=Custom Repository Extra Docker”
        echo “baseurl=http://$(curl -s”
        echo “enabled=1”
        echo “gpgcheck=0”
        echo “Then run the following commands on each EC2 instance:”
        echo “sudo yum clean all”
        echo “sudo yum makecache”

        echo “Your custom repository is now ready to use.”

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